Amazing Tours new

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Unesco Heritage Tours


Birdwatching tour


Many call Armenia an open museum under the sky, but few know that the most precious gems are hidden in the mountains of Armenia. Deviate from regular paved cycling roads to off-road paths of two picturesque regions of Armenia, get distracted from the noise of the city and get closer to nature, feel that crazy adrenaline rush while thrilling through ups and downs, twists and turns. Enjoy riding on amazing double track MTB trails that are available in Armenia, where the highest elevation of MTB trails reaches up to 3900m. Ride into the far horizons accompanied by Armenian culture and heritage that are melted into the scenery and stand in perfect harmony with nature with vivid examples of mountain carved UNESCO World Heritage site Geghard, and the only preserved pagan temple in the region, Garni. Sometimes the best way of exploring the country is through the traditional cuisine. Participate in a master class dinner with the most respected and demanded chef of today’s Armenia, Mr. Sedrak Mamulyan, who will introduce you to the genuine and authentic Armenian cuisine. Get your taste buds spoiled while trying the famous Armenian Cognac that Churchill loved immensely.

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Short Break Tours


Wine tours 5 days


Many call Armenia an open museum under the sky, but few know that the most precious gems are hidden in the mountains of Armenia. Deviate from regular paved cycling roads to off-road paths of two picturesque regions of Armenia, get distracted from the noise of the city and get closer to nature, feel that crazy adrenaline rush while thrilling through ups and downs, twists and turns. Enjoy riding on amazing double track MTB trails that are available in Armenia, where the highest elevation of MTB trails reaches up to 3900m. Ride into the far horizons accompanied by Armenian culture and heritage that are melted into the scenery and stand in perfect harmony with nature with vivid examples of mountain carved UNESCO World Heritage site Geghard, and the only preserved pagan temple in the region, Garni.

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Daily Tours



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Musical tour


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ultricies pharetra nibh ac viverra. Aenean consequat quis velit sit amet euismod. Nulla orci dui, varius vitae egestas eu, tincidunt ac eros. Donec porta faucibus est ut accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam neque ipsum, euismod at lacinia id, iaculis a sapien. Aenean tincidunt, leo sed commodo mollis, lectus metus porta odio, gravida sagittis dolor sem et massa. Pellentesque ut ornare erat. Sed sollicitudin eros ut nisi hendrerit malesuada. Nullam mollis, dui in pharetra viverra, augue sem faucibus lorem, ac imperdiet orci ante eget nulla. Phasellus mauris purus, tincidunt a ligula sed, hendrerit feugiat lorem. Nullam ultricies eget orci id vehicula. Aliquam ultricies tincidunt posuere. Quisque fermentum neque blandit arcu vulputate ultricies.

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If you are planning your first trip to Armenia this tour package is just for you! The itinerary gives you opportunity to discover the country: traditions, lots of interesting historic facts, visit the most important historic, cultural and religious centers, communicate with local people. As presumed, our tour has gastronomic emphasis and you can taste old, originally Armenian national dishes made from natural products, even take part in baking process of Armenian national bread - lavash and learn how to cook Sevan goods from a real chef. We will not forget about the drinks - you will observe the preparation process of Armenian wine and legendary brandy (Cognac), as well as taste it. The tour is organized in a special way to grasp the interesting variety of the Armenian nature and during almost all your trip have the view of Biblic mount Ararat. When planning this tour we have put together all our experience and endeavors to present the sunny Armenia with all its beauties and shades to our guests. We have groups taking this tour almost every month from April to November. Our groups are not large - maximum 15 pax, and the excursions are conducted only in English. All the groups are provided with comfortable transportation, competent guides; these have made this inclusive tour also the most popular among our company products, and we always receive the positive feedback after people opt for this itinerary.

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Easter Tour


Test 0

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Remember the words of the famous American artist Rockwell Kent. "Armenia is a country of miracles… If I were asked where on our planet you can find more miracles, First of all I would give the name of Armenia…

News and events

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“Rural life and traditions” festival

“Rural life and traditions” festival

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“Yerevan TARAZfest”

“Yerevan TARAZfest”

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Easter in Armenia 17th April

Easter in Armenia 17th April

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”Yerevan Beer Fest”

”Yerevan Beer Fest”

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“Yerevan Wine Days”

“Yerevan Wine Days”

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Special Packages

Wine tours 5 days

Many call Armenia an open museum under the sky, but few know that the most precious gems are hidden in the mountains of Armenia. Deviate from regular paved cycling roads to off-road paths of two picturesque regions of Armenia, get distracted from the noise of the city and get closer to nature, feel that crazy adrenaline rush while thrilling through ups and downs, twists and turns. Enjoy riding on amazing double track MTB trails that are available in Armenia, where the highest elevation of MTB trails reaches up to 3900m. Ride into the far horizons accompanied by Armenian culture and heritage that are melted into the scenery and stand in perfect harmony with nature with vivid examples of mountain carved UNESCO World Heritage site Geghard, and the only preserved pagan temple in the region, Garni.


If you are planning your first trip to Armenia this tour package is just for you! The itinerary gives you opportunity to discover the country: traditions, lots of interesting historic facts, visit the most important historic, cultural and religious centers, communicate with local people. As presumed, our tour has gastronomic emphasis and you can taste old, originally Armenian national dishes made from natural products, even take part in baking process of Armenian national bread - lavash and learn how to cook Sevan goods from a real chef. We will not forget about the drinks - you will observe the preparation process of Armenian wine and legendary brandy (Cognac), as well as taste it. The tour is organized in a special way to grasp the interesting variety of the Armenian nature and during almost all your trip have the view of Biblic mount Ararat. When planning this tour we have put together all our experience and endeavors to present the sunny Armenia with all its beauties and shades to our guests. We have groups taking this tour almost every month from April to November. Our groups are not large - maximum 15 pax, and the excursions are conducted only in English. All the groups are provided with comfortable transportation, competent guides; these have made this inclusive tour also the most popular among our company products, and we always receive the positive feedback after people opt for this itinerary.

Birdwatching tour

Many call Armenia an open museum under the sky, but few know that the most precious gems are hidden in the mountains of Armenia. Deviate from regular paved cycling roads to off-road paths of two picturesque regions of Armenia, get distracted from the noise of the city and get closer to nature, feel that crazy adrenaline rush while thrilling through ups and downs, twists and turns. Enjoy riding on amazing double track MTB trails that are available in Armenia, where the highest elevation of MTB trails reaches up to 3900m. Ride into the far horizons accompanied by Armenian culture and heritage that are melted into the scenery and stand in perfect harmony with nature with vivid examples of mountain carved UNESCO World Heritage site Geghard, and the only preserved pagan temple in the region, Garni. Sometimes the best way of exploring the country is through the traditional cuisine. Participate in a master class dinner with the most respected and demanded chef of today’s Armenia, Mr. Sedrak Mamulyan, who will introduce you to the genuine and authentic Armenian cuisine. Get your taste buds spoiled while trying the famous Armenian Cognac that Churchill loved immensely.

Travelers Reviews

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conseetuer adipiscing elit. Aenan comdo igula eget. Aenean massa cum sociis Theme natoque.
Sixth trip in Armenia
Thank you very much for everything, you are professional and unique. Unforgetable days!!!!!!!
Fine tour that takes you to see the main things of the country!!!!!!!!!!!